Game Version

-Made it easier to acquire abilities
-adjusted some text
-adjusted some logic when interacting with consoles

-Changed some SFX during the opening of the Game and added a screen shake when the menu book slams open

Fixed Bugs caused by recent enhancement update:
-Fixed Bug in the Hermit's basement where the Hermit could not re-enter the basement after collecting the Key and leaving.
-Fixed a bug in the Grimy Sewers where a gate half way through would not unlock when prompted to be unlocked

-Moved the selected ability cartridge icon from the right side of the screen, to the left side of the screen, underneath the player's health

-Lengthened the Hermit's talking bubble

-Adjusted a specific puzzle in the Grimy Sewers where a player could potentially get stuck.

-Made some changes to the Four Way Hermit Mind Hub

-Text adjustments during loading screens

-Hermit talk bubble adjustment

-a few background adjustments

-Fixed a bug that occurs after a player has collected an item ability from an Alien Tombs area and decides to go back to the room where they accessed the Alien Tombs

-Fixed a bug where pools of blood follow the Hermit around when they shouldn't be

-Fixed a bug where the Hermit was invincible in a specific room


The Knowledge of 48 MB
53 days ago

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